Frequently Asked Questions About Rodent Removal
Dealing with Rodents always takes a toll on our brains. Worry no more, our experts got you covered with some of the most commonly asked questions.
The clear-cut answer to the question is the droppings of the rats and mice or the scratch marks on the walls, food containers, or baseboards. The smell of ammonia is also one of the most common symptoms of the rodent’s presence in the house, alongside the scratching noises, especially during the nighttime.
Most of the time, these names of the species of the same creature confuses the customers. But yes, there is a difference between these two species.
The answer to it is very simple. Rats generally appear to be 10 times larger and heavier than mice. Whereas, Mice are about 3-4 inches in size with a tail size of nearly the same. You can also differentiate the two based on their excreta. The excreta of Mice is as less as a rice grain, however, the excreta of a rat is considerably bigger.
The primary reason for it could be in the food search, as rodents are always looking out for sources of food. The second reason could be as they’re looking out for a safe and warm place either to build the nest or to give birth to their pups.
Absolutely, rodents like mice, rats, etc, can spread a lot of infectious diseases. These rodents tend to contaminate the food and surfaces of the kitchen or the rooms through their feces and urine. More to it, some infections caused by rodents, especially rats, can be highly lethal. Most common infections spread by rodents like rats include hantavirus, which can be highly dangerous.
Direct answer to this question is a simple yes. Yes, rats and mice can bite humans which can be infectious for the person. But, this is one in a thousand cases and rodent bite is very rare. They are shy animals and usually hide away when they come face to face with a human.
Due to the easy availability of shelter, food, and warmth, the mice may live up to 12-18 months.
Mice start to reproduce when they turn 6 weeks old and it takes them about 3 weeks to lay the pups. Each litter contains around 6-12 babies, with an average of 7, and the mother can get pregnant right away after that. The average litter per year may reach up to 5-10 times, plus they don’t have any off-season.
Frankly mentioning, the most suitable and easy way to put an end to the mouse are the rat traps. The modern era has different types and kinds of rat traps, varying from traditional ones which kill the rat there and then to the more humane ones, which hold the house alive, and which can be later disposed of. Nextly, seal the house adequately so there is no inlet for the rats in the future.
The one and the most crucial precaution is to set the trap in a way that it is hidden away from the reach of the pets and children, so it doesn’t get triggered when near small children.
Traps are generally recommended over the bait poison due to several reasons. First and foremost, the reason is that the rodent might eat and digest the poison and die within the walls and attics, which leads to plenty of smell once the rat decomposes. Secondly, this leads to infestation, which later gets hard to control.
Irrespective of the opinion of cheese to be the most popular bait, the truth is that chocolate and peanut butter works more effectively to bring rats closer to the trap. The most effective way to put the bait is to place it nicely over the top of the trap’s trigger, so as when the rodent comes and tries to eat the bait, it works spontaneously to trap the mice.
Honestly speaking, there is no defined time to see the results, it all varies depending upon the rodent we are targeting and the outspread of the rodent in the area. However, the rat control could be seen within a few hours of the treatment itself.
Numerous diseases can spread because of rodents. The most come ones include plague, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, murine typhus.
Plague is a disease caused by the bite of a mouse or a rat containing the pathogenic bacterium yersinia pestis.
Salmonellosis is the sort of food poisoning caused by bacteria that spread through the rodents.
Leptospirosis is caused due to having water or food sources that come in contact with rodent-like rats and mice, like their urine or feces, and it contains bacterial spirochete.
Murine Typhus is a disease that spreads through direct contact of the feces or the parts of it with the open wound or scratch on the human body, which can infect the human blood.
Most common entry locations include,
Broken or missing vents on the windows and doors, or the attic vents.
Openings in the walls and floor.
The drainage system of the houses.
Crawl holes with badly fitted lids.
And the most common entry point is the toilet of the house.
The treatment doesn’t just focus on eliminating the existing rodents like rats and mice, but it also deals with the prevention of these rodents in the future as well and locks them out of the house permanently.
The simple answer to this is yes. The treatment is secure and safe when it comes to small children, only if you are contacting a professional and a licensed rodent expert. Misuse of the poison or use it in ineffective ways is quite common amongst non-professional rodent experts and hence, it can be highly threatening for small children.
An absolute answer to this is yes. If the situation is out of control and the number of rodents is increasing at a high rate, it becomes necessary to take professional guidance. Traps can be suitable to a limited extent when they are only a few in number. Rats and Mice can become a complete pain if not taken proper care of.
Rodents are completely nocturnal in nature. The infestation can spread within the house from one room to another. They reproduce at a quick rate and lay babies in a great number, which in return can become a big problem and harder to handle. The situation can get out of hand and in the end, you are left with no other option but to call the rodent control helpline.
It is always beneficial to ask your professional to monitor and analyze the activities of the mice and rats and accordingly formulate a plan for rodent control. Minute and close examination will help you create an effective plan and hence, the results will surely be good.
The most crucial thing to do, that we would suggest you, is to dispose of the food and water which had been contaminated by the rats and mice. The regular disposal of the open food and water should be done to neglect the rodent infection. Also, keep all the trash cans shut, which would not allow the entry of the rodent into it and spread the germs around.
Rodents, being shy animals, generally avoid the new objects and neglect going near to them. In this case, setting multiple traps at multiple locations will help you to catch the rats and house. The traps might take a few days if the rodent isn’t responding to the bait, but need not worry, eventually, it will. This phenomenon of trapping the rat with multiple traps is called “mass-trapping”.
No, the poison to kill any rodent doesn’t differ depending on the type of rodent. It remains the same for most of them.
It is always suggested as per the professionals to change the bait once in 4-5 weeks, which will increase the chances of trapping a rat, at the earliest. The best option for bait would be peanut butter and chocolate, as rodents get more attracted to these two. On the other end, if there are fewer rodents and the bait appears to be dirt-free and hasn’t rotten, then the period can be extended accordingly.
The quick answer to this would be in three simple words, that is, firstly it destroys the property, spreads uncountable diseases and they breed uncountably. So you really don’t get it when a small problem turns into a big one.
The diseases caused could be severe and dangerous to human health. Moreover, rodents have strong teeth which are suitable enough to scratch and shred the wooden and plastic property into tiny pieces. Rodents, like mice and rats, love to chew whatever they find.
Alongside that, they breed over the complete year, giving around dozens of babies and who grow up within the period of 4-6 weeks, creating a large community of rats.
Of course, our team of specialized experts has designed special plans to cater to the needs of both commercial and residential properties. Each one of which is further planned after monitoring the rodent’s activities, to serve the best to our customers.
Monitoring becomes a very crucial step while doing Rodent control for undermentioned obvious reasons.
This helps the team analyze from how many dates the rodents are present in the house or the building.
It tells the precise rate, features, and type of rodent present at the location.
How effective the baiting is and if there is any need to change it.
It guides our experts about the presence of rodents outside the area and potential infestation spots.
Gives us the exact idea about the harm being done to the property of the customer.
As it is said that “prevention is better than cure”, therefore, the prevention from rodents is a must. And the same can be done by taking care of the following few steps.
The Paramount thing to do is to not leave the food boxes open and leftovers need to be properly disposed of.
Proper sanitation of the house or the building should be done, at every regular interval.
The stagnant water should not be left out for a longer duration.
These precautions can help you to keep your house rodent-free.